Join a Producer Organisation Join a Producer Organisation 1 Select a Producer Organisation 2 Contract content 3 Effective Date of Contract 4 Company information 5 Billing information 6 Contact information 7 The form has been sent 8 Visma Sign signature Select a Producer Organisation There are two packaging sector producer organisations in Finland, and the company with producer responsibility selects which one it wants to join. After signing the Contract, the statutory producer responsibility is transferred to the producer organisation. You can familiarize yourself with the producer organisations and their services on their respective webpages. The price lists of the producer organisations are available on RINKI’s webpages here. Sumi Oy – familiarize yourself with PRO Finnish Packaging Producers Ltd – familiarize yourself with PRO Select Producer Organisation Would you like to have more information on producer responsibility, how to take care of it and about companies with producer responsibility? In our FAQ you will find answers to the most common questions related to producer responsibility. FAQs about producer responsibility When you proceed, we will ask you for the following information: Business ID, starting date of the contract, company contact information and billing information as well as the contact person and signatory of the Contract. We may also ask for the turnover of the company. You are joining the Finnish Packaging Producers Ltd producer organisation Sumi Oy producer organisation The contract is with the producer organisation but signed via Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd (RINKI). Finnish Packaging Producers Ltd (SPT) has authorised RINKI to register and manage customer contracts. When a company enters a contract and joins the producer responsibility system, the management of packaging producer responsibility obligations are transferred to SPT. The company having joined the producer responsibility system participates in the costs of packaging recycling. The contract is with the producer organisation but signed via Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd (RINKI). Sumi Oy has authorised RINKI to register and manage customer contracts. When a company enters a contract and joins the producer responsibility system, the management of packaging producer responsibility obligations are transferred to Sumi Oy. The company having joined the producer responsibility system participates in the costs of packaging recycling. SPT and RINKI jointly take care of the statutory producer responsibility obligations. Sumi and RINKI jointly take care of the statutory producer responsibility obligations. Open the content of the Customer Contract (pdf) Open the content of the Customer Contract (pdf) I have read the contents of the Customer Contract (pdf)* Did you read the Customer Contract? You must read the Customer Contract before continuing. Business ID and effective date of the Contract This e-form is intended for companies with a Finnish business ID. For other companies, our customer service will help you with the contract. Please contact the customer service also if you wish to sign a joint contract with more than one company joining in the contract. Customer service contact information Select the date from which the Contract is applicable. Business ID* Check business ID The Contract is applicable from Select the date from which the Contract is applicable. The contract comes into force when signed, but the obligations and rights of the contract are applied from the date you have chosen. Select a date between 29.03.2025-31.12.2026 Background information on company reorganisation Does your company continue the business of one or more companies due to a merger or demerger etc.? NO. The company does not continue the business of other companies. YES. The company continues the business of one or more companies. There is something in your company’s information we have to check. Please contact RINKI Customer service to complete the Contract. Our customer service is open on weekdays from 8.30 a.m. to 15.30 p.m. and via email. One moment, we are retrieving your company information… Company information Please check that the prefilled information is correct and fill in the missing information. Company name* Company name extension If applicable, fill in the company name extension, e.g. Finnish branch. Address* Fill in the company address. Postal code* Fill in company postal code. Town/City* Fill in town/city. Country* Fill in country. Select Company general email Fill in the general email address of the company or for example a shared team email address. We will contact this address if we are unable to reach the contact person. Company general phone number Fill in the company general telephone number, such as the switchboard number. We will contact this number if we are unable to reach the contact person. Billing information Fill in the missing information. Please check that all the prefilled information is correct. Reference number or Purchase order number Fill in, if applicable, the reference number or purchase order number. If not applicable, leave the field empty. Language of the invoice* Finnish Swedish English E-invoice address / EDI code The company can receive invoices to the E-invoice address. The E-invoice address can take the form of EDI code, IBAN code or web services ID. We send invoices primarily as E-invoices. Fill in E-invoice address / EDI code Operator Select the E-invoice operator from the drop-down list. Select Select E-invoice operator Email address for receiving PDF invoices Fill in the email address to be used for sending PDF invoices. If no E-invoice address is available, we send invoices to this email address. I request other invoice recipient contact information than indicated under Company information (on the previous page). Billing information/ Company details Company name* Fill in the official name of the paying company. Company name extension Fill in the possible company name extension of the paying company. Payer business ID* Fill in the payer business ID which you want to be visible on the invoice. Address* Fill in the payer address. Postal code* Fill in the payer postal code. Town/City* Fill in the payer town/city. Country* Select payer country from drop-down list. Select Contact person for Contract Fill in the information of the person we will contact about matters related to the Contract and who is responsible for reporting the company’s packaging data. The contact person does not have to be same person as the signatory of the contract. Name* Fill in the contact person’s forename and surname. Language* Finnish Swedish English Email* Fill in contact person’s email address. We will primarily contact the person by email. Telephone Fill in contact person’s telephone number. Contract signatory A Visma Sign signature invitation is sent to this email address. Please fill in here a person with authority to sign the Contract. Same as the contact person of the Contract. Signatory’s name* Fill in signatory’s forename and surname. Signatory’s language* Finnish Swedish English Email* Fill in signatory’s email address. We will send a link for signing the Contract to this email address. Telephone Fill in signatory’s telephone number. Other considerations or questions to RINKI customer service Message Here you can write important considerations or ask questions related to the Contract from the RINKI customer service team. I agree to the processing of personal data according to the Business customer and supplier register privacy policy * You must agree to the processing of personal data according to the privacy policy before continuing. One moment, we are sending the form… Thank you, the process of becoming a member is almost complete. Please remember that the Contract must still be signed. We will send the signatory of the Contract an email with an invitation to sign the Contract digitally via the Visma Sign signature service. The Contract is signed via the link in the email using electronic identification. If a problem occurs, RINKI Customer service will help. Next steps The signatory will receive an email with an invitation to sign the Contract digitally using Visma Sign. The signature invitation is valid for 7 days (until 05.04.2025). After this time the invitation will expire, but our customer service team can send you a new one if necessary. Once the Contract is signed, we will send the contact person an email with instructions for the next steps. Sending the information failed due to a technical malfunction. Sending the information failed due to a technical malfunction. We have your information saved. Our customer service will process your Contract and will soon contact the contact person of the Contract. Previous Next Submit Click -icon for more information. Contact us If you have questions about joining a Producer Organisation or you need help in filling in the e-form, please contact our customer service. Customer service