FAQ’s about sorting

Sorting is easy, but you may still have a few questions. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about Rinki ecopoints, sorting and recycling.

Collection points

Where can I return packaging waste?

If packaging waste is collected separately in your residence, you can put the packaging in the collection container. Packaging waste can also be returned to Rinki ecopoints, which can be found from Hanko to Utsjoki, or to many municipal ecopoints. You can find the nearest Rinki ecopoint here.

The Rinki ecopoint is untidy and the collection containers are full. Where can I report this?

Untidy or full Rinki ecopoints should be immediately reported to Rinki’s customer service team tel. 0800 133 888 (Mon-Fri 7–21, Sat 9–18, toll-free), service@rinkiin.fi or by using the feedback form so that we can deal with the issue without delay. Customer feedback is important when we plan and assess the schedules for emptying and cleaning our eco take-back points.

You can find the feedback form here.


Can a company return its packaging waste into Rinki ecopoints?

No. Only packaging waste from households is accepted at Rinki ecopoints. The company can organize the transport of packaging waste to producers’ terminals, where packaging waste that is sorted according to the producer organisations’ instructions will be accepted free of charge.

Why do Rinki ecopoints only accept packaging?

Rinki ecopoints are only for the collection of household packaging. This is based on a statutory producer responsibility, which specifically applies to packaging.


Companies that pack products in Finland or import packed products for the Finnish market are responsible for recycling packaging made of glass, metal, carton and plastic. Such companies bear so-called producer responsibility, which means that the packaging materials that have entered the Finnish market with products must be collected and recycled, and they must be reused in the production of new products. This responsibility is based on EU and Finnish legislation.


The operations are financed by recycling fees paid by the producers. If other types of waste were taken to Rinki ecopoints, the recycling costs would be excessive.


In addition to packaging, companies also have producer responsibility for car tyres, cars, electrical and electronic devices, batteries and recycled paper as described in the Waste Act. Other types of waste – such as the collection of plastic products – are the responsibility of municipal waste management organisations.



Many Rinki ecopoints include containers for collecting newsprint and magazine paper and most also have a container for collecting re-wearable clothes. 

Why are there no Rinki ecopoints in the centre of our town?

Rinki would be happy to collect packaging waste in town centres. The ecopoints require a lot of space, which is usually scarce in town centres, and there is seldom enough room outside supermarkets. Space is also needed to safely empty the containers, which is a challenge in central areas. It is also quite difficult to obtain permits for establishing take-back points in town centres anywhere in Finland.


We build ecopoints on sites where a lot of people pass anyway. It makes sense to establish ecopoints at supermarkets so that people can return packaging when they do their shopping.

How will I recognise Rinki ecopoints?

The ecopoints have the Rinki logo clearly visible so they are easy to recognise. There may also be a sign saying: RINKI EKOPISTE / RINKI EKOPUNKT.

Who is responsible for Rinki ecopoints?

Consumers can take used carton, glass and plastic packaging as well as small metal objects to Rinki ecopoints. Suomen Pakkauskierrätys RINKI Oy is responsible for the maintenance of the Rinki ecopoint network. The service is paid for by producer organisations on behalf of producer-responsible companies.

Why are the openings of the containers so small?

Rinki ecopoints are for household packaging waste. Safety is the main reason why we chose the particular containers and the sizes of their openings. For example, small openings ensure that no one can climb into a container, which could result in serious injuries.


If the containers had large openings, people could put things other than packaging waste into them, such as large objects or mixed waste, and this would make recycling more difficult. The containers would also be filled too quickly if waste other than packaging was placed in them.


This would cause littering and inconvenience for people recycling their packaging as the containers would not have room for packaging wasteThis would also be the case if the openings were large enough for material to be taken out; waste would be left on the ground.


We understand that it can be frustrating if you cannot put large quantities of materials into the containers in one go. The size of the openings was carefully considered and they are deemed to be the best way to ensure successful recycling. Conscientious recyclers will be happy to know that the right type of waste is recycled.

How do I use the press machines for plastic and carton packaging?

Carton packaging: Flatten cartons and push them through the opening to ensure that as much material as possible can be processed at one time. Press the green start button if the machine has one. If there is no start button, the machine will start on its own. The machine will stop automatically.


Plastic packaging: Do not stack different types of plastic packaging inside each other. Remove tops and lids and put them into the container separately. You can, however, put plastic packaging in a plastic carrier bag. Push the packaging into the container. Press the green start button if the machine has one. If there is no start button, the machine will start on its own. The machine will stop automatically.

What should I do if the press machine is not working?

If the press machine is stuck or not working, please call our freephone number 0800 133 888 or fill in the feedback form.

Why is the press machine opening so high up?

There are legal requirements for the size and height of the opening, including its
minimum height and the safety distance to moving parts. The opening also needs to
make climbing into the container difficult.


In devices that are used by the public, the safety distances are well exceeded for the sake of added safety. Unfortunately, user friendliness has to be compromised for reasons of safety.


The size and place of the opening complies with the safety requirements and also prevents vandalism and stops people from putting the wrong materials into the container. At worst, the wrong materials can ruin an entire collection batch.

Sorting and recycling of packages

Can I return the packaging of the product I bought back to the company that sold the product?

The packaging producer, i.e. the seller of the product, is not obliged to take back the packaging of the products it sells. Packaging producers manage the collection and recycling of their packaging by belonging to a producer organisation. Individual companies can offer their customers an empty product packaging return service, but there is no obligation to do so.

Where can households drop off wooden pallets and other wooden packaging?

You can find the nearest ecopoint on the Kierrätys.info online service.

Why are products packed in the first place? Isn’t it pointless?

Packaging has an important job. Products are packed in order to ensure that they remain undamaged from the factory to the end user. If a product is broken or spoilt during transport, this causes waste. In addition, the energy and material used in the manufacturing process are completely wasted. This results in more waste and damage to the environment.


Above all, packaging is used to protect the product from the environment and the environment from the product. So it is better to have packaging in the bin instead of spoilt or broken products.

Where can I take packaging containing hazardous materials?

Take it to the local hazardous waste collection point. Find your nearest collection point on the Kierrätys.info online service.

Carton packaging

Why do I have to flatten carton packaging and put them into one packaging?

Carton packaging, such as cardboard boxes, is light but takes up a lot of space in a container. In order to avoid transporting fresh air, it is a good idea to flatten the packaging. The smaller the packaging that is placed in the container, the more waste the container can hold. This means that more packaging can be transported in one go, and this reduces the number of transport journeys.
So in the long run, it is worth flattening the packaging as this small effort saves emissions from transport.


When you take cardboard packaging to the collection container, make sure that the container fills evenly. Often the carton container fills only from the front edge, blocking the entrance of the container.

Should carton packaging be flattened before it is put into a press machine?

Yes, it should. It is important to always flatten carton packaging, including when putting it into a press machine. Large cardboard boxes that have not been flattened are particularly likely to cause the machine to become jammed. Very large cardboard boxes (e.g. those used for furniture and large electronics) should also be cut into smaller pieces before being put in the machine.

How carefully do I need to clean carton packaging?

Remove any food so that no food remains on the packaging. Drain milk or other liquid from the carton. Rinse the packaging quickly with cold water. Please allow the packaging to dry out a little before placing it into the take-back container.

The opening of the Rinki eco take-back point’s cardboard packaging container is smaller than a box. What should I do?

Large cardboard boxes can also be brought to Rinki eco take-back points for cardboard packaging. Flatten the package and break it into smaller pieces if necessary.

Can I put paper into the carton packaging container?

Paper such as newsprint and magazine paper must not be placed into the carton container. Paper is collected separately in Finland. Many Rinki eco take-back points also have a container for paper.


A letterbox is a good rule of thumb for sorting paper. If it’s paper and comes through the mail slot, it belongs in the paper collection container.

Can I place wrapping paper, ribbons and bows into the carton container?

No, you cannot. Wrapping paper contains a lot of ink and coating, and for this reason it is not suitable for recycling with carton or paper. Put wrapping paper into the container for mixed waste.


Tip: keep wrapping paper that is in good condition so you can reuse it.


Can I place the hard covers of books into the carton container?

No, you cannot.


Book covers are not packaging. Place book covers into the container for mixed waste.

Can I place posters into the carton container?

No, you cannot. Posters are not included in the cardboard collection as they are not packaging. Posters also contain a lot of dyes, and almost no recyclable material.

Can I place coloured paper or handicraft carton into the carton container?

No, you cannot. Neither of them is packaging. Non-recyclable glue residues or other materials could end up with the craft carton, which could hamper its recycling. Place craft carton into the container for mixed waste.

Can I place a paper bread bag with a plastic window into the carton container?

Yes, you can. If the materials cannot be separated, the packaging is recycled according to the main material. The packaging is recycled according to the material that covers the largest percentage of the packaging. In this case, the paper bread bag has a higher percentage of paper fiber by weight, so it belongs to the carton container.

Can I put those tubular crisp canisters with a metal bottom into the container for carton?

Yes, you can. You can place the plastic top of the crisp tube with plastic packaging container. Packaging is sorted by main material if the materials cannot be separated. In this case, there is more carton than metal in the crisp tube.

Where should I put the plastic top of the milk carton?

Please remove it and place it in the plastic packaging collection.

Glass packaging

Where can I sort window glass, drinking glasses, porcelain, ceramics, opal glass and other glass not suitable for glass packaging collection?

The municipality will issue instructions for these wastes. In many cases they are instructed to be put with mixed waste, but municipalities have their own sorting instructions for these materials. Check with your local municipal waste information centre for sorting instructions.

How well must glass bottles and jars be washed before sorting?

It is sufficient to rinse them quickly with cold water so that food residue is removed. You do not need to wash them properly.

Why are only bottles and jars allowed in the glass packaging container?

Glass bottles and jars are glass packaging suitable for packaging recycling. Drinking glasses, coffee pots, oven dishes, porcelain, ceramics and window or mirror glass are not allowed into the container since they are not glass packaging. Glass packaging waste is recycled to become new glass packaging.


The properties of other glass materials prevent them from being used in recycling. For example, their melting points vary, or they have other properties that make them impossible or very difficult to be recycled.

Can I put my broken drinking glass in the glass packaging collection?

No you can’t, because a drinking glass is not packaging. Other glass materials than packaging, such as drinking glass materials, often have qualities that make them unsuitable for recycling along glas packaging. Drinking glasses can, e.g., have a different melting point from packaging glass. Recycling in the industrial process imposes quality requirements on the material collected, which is why only glass bottles and jars are suitable for recycling. Glass packaging waste is recycled into new glass packaging and some is used to manufacture contstruction products, such as foamglass.

Can I bring jam jars with a hermetic clamp seal to the glass packaging collection? Hermetic clamp seal is an airtight metal seal for bottles and jars.

You cannot, because jam jars bought for canning are not packaging.

Can I put window glass in the glass packaging container?

No, because it is not packaging.

Can I put glass graveside candleholders into the container for glass packaging?

No, you cannot. Some graveside candleholders are made of non-recyclable borosilicate glass and some may contain lead glass, which are not suitable for recycling. To ensure the quality of the glass collected, no graveside candleholders made of glass should be put into the container. You can put the metal covers of candleholders as well as tin jars for outdoor fires and aluminium tea light cases into the container for metal packaging. Some graveyards have their own collection for graveside candleholders.

Can I put perfume bottles made of glass into the container for glass packaging?

Yes, you can put perfume bottles made of glass into the glass packaging container.


Can I put cough medicine bottles or other glass packaging purchased from a pharmacy into the glass packaging container?

Yes, return them empty and without a cap. Labels and security bands do not need to be removed.

For packaging containing unused medicine or residues, follow the instructions offered by your local waste management service. Local pharmacies collect unused and expired medicine. Unused medicine must never be flushed down the toilet or sink.

Can I put a deodorant bottle made of glass into the glass packaging container? And what should I do with the plastic cap?

You can put glass deodorant bottle into the glass packaging container. You can sort the plastic top as plastic packaging.

Can you put opal glass into the glass packaging container?

Glass packaging made of opal glass (milk glass) can be put in the glass packaging collection. However, packaging made of opal glass cannot usually be used in the production of packaging, but they can be used to make construction products, such as foam glass.

Can you put a nail polish bottle made of glass into the glass packaging container?

A completely empty or completely dried nail polish bottle can be put in the glass packaging container. If the bottle still contains nail polish, it should be taken to hazardous waste collection. Hazardous waste collection points can be browsed at kierratys.info.

Where can I put deposit glass bottles?

Return them to the reverse vending machines located at supermarkets or Alko shops, whereas you can return non-deposit glass bottles to Rinki ecopoints.


Which household metals can be put in the metal packaging collection container?

Small metal from your home can be brought to the metal packaging collection. For example, cutlery, scissors, nails and aluminium candle shells can be brought to the Rinki eco take-back points as long as they fit through the opening of the container.


Please take large metal items that do not fit in the container to the location specified by your local authority.


Remember that electrical appliances such as irons, electric mixers or toasters should not be put in the metal packaging collection. There is a separate collection for electrical appliances, and they are often accepted in shops selling electrical appliances as well. The collection points for all waste materials in Finland can be found here: www.kierratys.info

Where can I put deposit beverage cans?

Return them to the reverse vending machines located at supermarkets or Alko shops. You can return non-deposit beverage cans to metal packaging containers at the Rinki ecopoints.

Can medicine blister packs be placed in metal recycling?

Blister packs made of plastic or a combination of plastic and aluminum should be sorted into plastic packaging recycling. Blister packs made entirely of aluminum can be placed in metal recycling.

Can metal coffee capsules be put into the metal packaging collection container?

Yes, used metal coffee capsules are allowed in metal packaging containers. You do not need to empty the capsule because a small amount of ground coffee will not interfere with the metal recycling process.


The metal collected in the Rinki metal containers and curbside metal containers is crushed. During crushing the coffee separates as reject. The metal from coffee capsules can therefore well be recycled.


Can New Year tins be put into the metal packaging collection container?

No, they cannot because the material is not suitable for recycling. New Year tins are mainly lead, which is a heavy metal. Take New Year tins to your local hazardous waste collection point. You can find your nearest collection point on the Kierrätys.info online service.


Can I put pans and frying pans into the container for metal packaging?

Yes, if they fit through the opening in the container. You can also put other small metal objects such as cutlery, scissors, screws, nails and the aluminium casings of tea lights into this container.

Please note: take big metal objects that cannot fit into a container to the collection point specified by your municipality. Electrical appliances have their own collection points, and they can often also be taken to shops that sell them. The collection points for all waste materials in Finland can be found here: www.kierratys.info.

Can metal mustard tubes and similar items be put into the metal packaging collection container?

Yes, they can; just make sure they are empty.

How can I reduce the number of paint tins that need to be taken to the hazardous waste collection point?

If you have several paint tins that are not empty, you can pour the paints into one tin and recycle the other ones. This also reduces the number of tins that need to be taken to the hazardous waste collection point.


Do this:


Pour the remaining paint into a metal container or jar that is as large as possible.
Carefully seal metal containers containing paint and take them to the hazardous waste collection point.
Leave the emptied paint tins to dry on their side for at least 24 hours before taking them to the metal collection.


Please note: never mix different types of paint or chemicals that you are not familiar with!


Water-dilutable latex paints as well as solvent-based alkyd paints and oil paints sold to consumers can be mixed together. However, solvents used for cleaning brushes and pure linseed oil must be kept separate.

How do I sort metal paint tins?

Make sure that the tin is empty, clean and dry. There should only be a very thin coat of dry paint inside, no more than the thickness of a brush stroke. Return the tops separately.


Take tins that contain wet paint to your local hazardous waste collection point. You can find your nearest collection point on the Kierrätys.info online service.

How do I sort an aerosol can, such as a hairspray bottle?

Make sure it is completely empty: shake the bottle. It is empty when there is no sound of liquid inside, no hissing when you press the spray top and no propellant or other substances come out.


Aerosol cans that are not completely empty must be taken to your local hazardous waste collection point. You can find your nearest collection point on the Kierrätys.info online service.

Plastic packaging

What kind of plastic packaging can be brought to the plastic packaging collection containers?

All plastic packaging is suitable for plastic packaging collection. If it is made of plastic and is a package, it belongs in the plastic packaging collection. Such packaging includes plastic packages used for selling food, textiles, electronics, and chemical products, as well as plastic shopping bags and plastic wraps used at points of sale, such as the plastic wrap around a takeaway sandwich.


However, plastic products such as children’s toys, plastic dishes, empty freezer containers, garbage bag rolls, and cling film are not considered packaging.


There are a few exceptions to this in Finnish legislation, for example:

  • CD cases are not considered packaging, but the plastic film around the case is.
  • A plastic hanger is considered packaging if it is sold with a garment. If bought separately, it is not considered packaging.
  • A measuring cap or dosing ball included with a laundry detergent bottle is considered packaging.
Can I put plastic toys and plastic household items into the container for plastic packaging?

No, you cannot. Only put the plastic packaging specified in our sorting instructions into the container.


Many plastic objects and toys are also made of non-recyclable material. Toys may also contain electronics, in which case they must be taken to a collection point for electrical appliances. The collection points for all waste materials in Finland can be found here: www.kierratys.info.


Can I put an oil canister into a plastic packaging collection container?

Canisters containing motor oil and other hazardous substances must not be placed in plastic packaging collection container. Motor oil causes a wide range of problems and poses also a safety risk. Please take oil canisters to a hazardous waste collection point in your area.

How are hand sanitizer bottles sorted?

A completely empty hand sanitizer bottle can be sorted into a plastic packaging collection container. If there is any disinfectant left in the bottle, it should be taken to a municipal waste collection point for hazardous waste.


  1. Use all the disinfectant in the bottle so that the bottle is completely empty. Not even a drop should come out of the bottle.
  2. Open the cap or pump section of the bottle to allow even the smallest disinfectant residue to evaporate.
  3. Sort the empty bottle and cap or pump section separately into a plastic packaging collection container.
Where can I put deposit recyclable plastic bottles?

Return them to the reverse vending machines located at supermarkets or Alko shops. You can return non-deposit plastic bottles to plastic packaging containers at the Rinki ecopoints.

Can I put plastic paint containers into the plastic packaging collection container?

No, you cannot. Take plastic paint cans with even a little paint left inside to the collection point specified by your local authority. The collection points for all waste materials in Finland can be found here: www.kierratys.info.

Can I put plastic medicine packets into the plastic packaging collection container?

Empty and dry plastic medicine, vitamin and herbal product packaging can be put into the plastic packaging collection container.


Plastic blister packs can also be recycled with plastic packaging. Packaging entirely made of aluminium is recycled with metal.


For packaging containing unused medicine or residues, follow the instructions offered by your local waste management service. Local pharmacies usually collect unwanted medicine. Unused medicine must never be flushed down the toilet or sink.

Can I put plastic coffee capsules into the plastic packaging collection container?

No, you cannot. Sort them as instructed by your local authority.
Capsules for coffee machines and coffee pods made of filter paper which are disposed of with the coffee product are not packaging.

Can I put biodegradable plastic packaging into the container for plastic packaging?

Biodegradable plastic packaging should mainly be used for composting but they can also be put into the container for plastic packaging. A biodegradable packaging will be sorted during the process and used in energy production since it would, as biodegradable material, be detrimental to the recycling process.

Can plastic potting soil bags be brought to the plastic packaging collection container?

Yes. Plastic potting soil bags can be brought to the plastic packaging collection. Make sure that the bag is empty.

How do I sort black plastic packaging?

Black plastic packaging can be put into the collection container. Nowadays, more and more black plastic packaging is also being recognized. Suppliers of equipment for the plastic refinery are constantly developing technology to solve this problem in the near future.

Can I put plastic flower or herb pots into the plastic packaging collection container?

Plastic pots used for flowers and herbs for short-term use or transportation and seedling planters can be taken to the plastic packaging collection as long as they are empty. Empty pots purchased in a shop are, however, classified as products and not as packaging and must, therefore, be disposed of with mixed waste.

Can I put toothpaste tubes into the plastic packaging collection container?

Yes, as long as they are empty.

Can I put polystyrene packaging into the container for plastic packaging?

Yes, packaging made of polystyrene, or EPS (expanded polystyrene) as it is officially known, can be put into the container. Please note, however, that EPS boards used in construction cannot be put into the container for plastic packaging.


Packaging made of EPS is not currently recycled, as it crumbles easily during the sorting process. The material is also very spongy and readily absorbs dirt and liquids.


Most of the EPS packaging used by various industries is recycled as the material is homogeneous.

When is a plastic package sufficiently clean?

As a rule of thumb, packaging should be clean enough to be stored at home for a few days without a notable smell.


They must not contain any food or other residue. You could easily clean the packaging for example with a small piece of paper towel to get rid of the most noticeable residue.

Can I put plastic packaging inside each other?

Packaging made of different types of plastic must not be put inside each other. The optical scanner at the recycling facility only recognises the material of the outermost item. If there are different types of plastic nested inside, they will go into the wrong category in the sorting process.


If you are sure that all packaging are made of the same type of plastic, you can put them inside each other. You can also use a plastic bag for carrying plastic packaging, as bags are automatically opened at the start of the sorting process.

My plastic packaging has a letter but no number. Can it go into the plastic packaging collection container?

The most important thing is that it is plastic and it is packaging. In that case, it can be sorted into plastic packaging. Plastic packaging often only identifies the type of plastic by an abbreviation or number. Any packaging marked with either symbol can be recycled. Material labelling is not mandatory on packaging, so a symbol is not always displayed. You can put plastic packaging into a collection container even if no material label can be found on the packaging.


Do I need to remove and return plastic caps and lids separately?

Yes, whenever this is possible. Remove caps, lids, dispenser pumps and similar loose parts (e.g. films on packaging of cold cuts) and place these into the collection container separately.


Tops and lids are often different plastic than the rest of the packaging. In recycling process plastics are identified by an optical reading device and are separated from each other. For example, if the box and the cover film are different kind of plastics and connected to each other, the reading device recognizes only one. Part of the packaging ends up in the wrong group, which may significantly impede recycling.


It is also easier to flatten plastic bottles and cans without their tops. They take up less space when flattened. This also guarantees that the packaging is empty and dry.

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