Exceptions to Rinki’s customer service opening hours on spring 2021 holidays

Author: Emmi Poutanen Published: 26.03.2021

On Easter, May Day and Ascension Day, our customer service opening hours are slightly different from normal.

Rinki’s customer service for households

Rinki’s customer service for households is closed on Good Friday 2nd of April and on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday 4th and 5th of April. On Saturday, April 3th, customer service is available from 9 AM to 6 PM. In addition, on May Day (May 1st) and Ascension Day (May 13th), customer service is closed.

Customer service for households is available on weekdays from 7 AM to 9 PM and on Saturdays from 9 AM to 6 PM free of charge at 0800 133 888 and by e-mail at service@rinkiin.fi.

You can also give feedback on Rinki eco take-back points at any time via the feedback form at rinkiin.fi/en/ecopointfeedback/.

Rinki’s customer service for companies

Rinki’s customer service for companies is closed on Good Friday 2nd of April and on Easter Monday 5th of April, as well as on May Day (May 1st) and Ascension Day (May 13th).

In addition, on Maundy Thursday 1st of April and the day before May Day 30th of April customer service for companies is open from 8:30 AM to 12 PM.

Customer service for companies is available on weekdays from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM at +358 9 6162 3500 and by e-mail at info@rinkiin.fi.

Rinki wishes sunny spring to everyone!

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