SUP product – or not? Check out whether a packaging is in the scope of the Directive

Author: Emmi Poutanen Published: 01.09.2022

Products belonging to the scope of the Single-use Plastic Directive (SUPD) are wholly or partially made from plastic and intended for single use. For many products it is unclear whether they are SUP products or not. RINKI has listed SUP products to help in determining.

The implementation of the SUPD or more officially the Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, is progressing in Finland. The aim of the SUPD is to reduce the amount of plastic litter in the environment, to promote circular economy and to integrate product regulation in the EU Internal Market.

The scope of the Directive covers products that are wholly or partially made from plastic and are intended to be used just once. Depending on the product category the Directive requires different measures: reduction of consumption, product bans, requirements related to the properties of the products, marking requirements, separate collection requirements, extended producer responsibility, consumer awareness raising and data collection as well as EU reporting.

SUP product table helps in determining

For many individual products it is not clear whether the product is an SUP product or not. RINKI has received numerous questions from companies with producer responsibility concerning the definitions.

To help everyday life for businesses, RINKI has, together with the SUP group and authorities, drawn up the attached table, where companies can check if products belong to the scope of the Directive. The table is not all-inclusive, but it contains definitions which operators have considered unclear.

SUP product – or not – Find the answer on RINKIs product listing 

The annexed list has been developed together with the so called “SUP group” which consists of producer organisations Finnish Packaging Producers Ltd and Sumi Oy as well as Rinki’s owner organisations. The list has been discussed with the authorities 8/2022. RINKI will update the list according to the additional guidelines from the European Commission and national authority guidelines.

The following sources have been used in the definitions:

Further information on the SUPD and obligations for companies with producer responsibility can be found in RINKIs article: SUP Directive bans and marking requirement entered into force – What happens next?

Further information on the SUPD and its implementation can be found on the webpage of the Ministry of the Environment (in Finnish).

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